Welcome your vegan customers with style and expertise

Great Lakes Vegan Consulting

What is vegan hospitality consulting?

It is a set of services and trainings to help your restaurant or business best cater to vegan customers.

This includes a series of hands-on sessions and instructions, such as:

  • Menu consultation and evaluation

  • Ingredient sourcing

  • Preparation / cooking techniques

  • Staff training

Expand and grow your business to cater to one of the fastest growing segments

Demand for vegan food grew by 987% between 2012 and 2017.

Myself in my backyard backdropped by a wooden fence and a square garden bed. I am holding a bolting lettuce with 6 or 7 tiers of large lettuce leaves.

Hi, my name is Stefan!

I am the face behind Great Lakes Vegan Consulting. I help businesses like yours to become more vegan friendly and attract more customers.

I was professionally trained in the High Impact Hospitality Consulting method pioneered at Vegan Hospitality. My professional skillset means I can help take your business from meh to a must-visit for vegans and non-vegans alike!

Become a part of the future. Don’t get left behind in the plant-based revolution.

Sign up TODAY for a FREE strategy session!